> I'm working on an orchestration with a coda, where the first note of the 
> coda, an eighth note, needs to have a backward tie, as it is tied to a note 
> 40 bars earlier before you jump to the coda. But because the bar before the 
> coda is empty (the bar going back to the D.S.), attempting to force a tie to 
> a previous note doesn't work. Is there a way to get the tie to show up, other 
> than faking it by creating slurs that look like ties on every note?
> I'm using FIN10 Mac for this project.
> Thanks, 
> Stephen Lamb
> Nashville, TN

Hi Stephen,

If playback isn't an option, I would create a staff style that hides repeat 
endings and repeat bars. Make your "to Coda" bar a backwards repeat with 1st 
ending and the first bar of the Coda the 2nd ending - force the tie and hide 
the repeats.

Mike Casteel
Nashville, TN

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