a couple of comments.

you should first check and make sure there is justification for the notation, it could be that a standard already exists, even though contemporary percussion notation is a bit if a mess.

depending on how often it comes, it might be easier to make a shape or character expression with very specific positioning defaults. prob quicker to manage than changing noteheads.

otherwise, my solution for such things has always been to develop my own fonts, most specifically to address the problems of design inconsistency when using multiple fonts, but also to make sure i always have the characters i need, either in a fixed set (with the large majority of characters you would come across in new music) or individual composer fonts, for individual characters that only one composer uses.

I'm in need of a font with more percussion note heads. Maestro, Maestro Percussion, EngraverFontSet, EngraverFontSetExtras, and Toccata don't have what I'm looking for. Can you suggest another font, please?

Specifically, the composer wants a circle with a slash inside it, and a circle with a plus sign in it. The fonts I mentioned have symbols similar to the ones I want, but no exact matches.

I've tried suggesting alternate note heads to the composer, but he wants what he wants.

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