On 27 Sep 2011 at 13:34, David W. Fenton wrote:

> I know many on the list play in groups that have made CDs that they
> will sell at concerts/gigs. I'm wondering if anybody knows what the
> deal is in the US (New York State, specifically) with sales tax:
> That is, if you're selling your CDs after a concert/gig, are you
> responsible for paying sales tax? Or is this one of those things where
> the buyer is responsible for it?
> Anybody know?

Is anybody on the list actually selling their CDs at concerts/gigs? 
If so, those are really the only people I'm interested in hearing 
from. The rest of the faux experts can sit on their hands -- I'm only 
interested in knowing what other people who are actually doing this 
are doing with regard to sales tax on CD sales as performances.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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