Hi all,

So now that I think about it, this is my first time doing *any* 
percussion in 2011, though I've done a fair bit in previous versions.

I always enter music in Speedy, using the computer keyboard. It used to 
be that in percussion maps you could specify not only what sound you 
wanted (i.e., MIDI out) and where you wanted that instrument to display 
on the staff, but also what MIDI note you wanted to play to get that 
pitch (i.e., MIDI in). So I could tell Finale that I wanted to play 
treble clef third line to get a snare drum, and the map would place that 
on the third line (or somewhere else) and output the GM midi note to get 
a snare.

In Fin2011, it looks like you can no longer specify the MIDI in pitch. 
You just tell the map "I want a snare sound, and I want it to display 
here." But now it's not clear what I need to enter to produce that snare 
sound. The help file says I can do percussion entry using all the usual 
tools of Speedy Entry, but that doesn't seem to be true. I can cursor up 
and cursor down, and the Speedy frame now helpfully tells me what sound 
will result, but it appears that I can no longer type a specify pitch 
(again, using the old-style 3-octave Speedy) to get a certain note. In 
fact, if I repeatedly press the same pitch, the Speedy cursor appears to 
cycle through all of the available percussion notes in the map.

Am I missing something here? I admit to feeling thwarted not just by the 
program, but by the help file as well; I can usually find what I need in 
there, if it's not a paradigm of organization. I'd be grateful for a few 
pointers, or even a suggestion of where to look in the help.

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