Dear Finalelist,
        I went in to make some corrections today on a file that was done  
2006, in Finale 2004B.

        1. 2011 would not convert it.

        2.  I went back to 2004B and it wouldn't open.  (It's a black  

        3. Sent he file to a techie -  she opened it and sent it back and my  
computer could not decode her file, even the file's name. Then a  
second different attempt - no dice.
                she sent a final one whose name came through properly but it  
wouldn't open either.

        4. she and I had to leave for appointments.  I am going to ask her  
to resend the last one, which has disappeared from my desktop,
                and try again.

        5. the concert is in 2 weeks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Katherine Hoover
Finale mailing list

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