At 8:21 AM +1000 19/4/12, David McKay wrote:
>Raglan is the name of a village which is en route to
>Sydney, from Bathurst, where I live.

it's also a very famous surfing break in N.Z. :-)

>Wondering if you have ever transcribed The London Derrière?

Transcribed for what? As it happens I have 
transcribed (roughly) Grainger's version for solo 
piano. Un peu étrange que you should ask such a 
question :-/

>we used FinWin 2004b for many years, but upgraded
>to FinWin2011 and enjoy its comparative simplicity

You seem to be the only person here currently 
using 2011, everyone else seems to have jumped 
from 2010-->2012. I wonder why? I guess I'll just 
have to look back in the archives for further 
enlightenment re 2011. I'm a little wary of 2012 
from what I've read here despite a longing for 
Unicode fonts.

At 6:05 PM -0700 18/4/12, dershem wrote:
>It is just FULL of bugs and errors.  2010 works, 
>2012 does not - it takes more effort to do
>what 2010 did effortlessly.


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