Sorry, no way to evade it that I know of. I bet you're using Chromatic 
Transposition. Some people say that if you enter the music while Display In 
Concert Pitch is turned off, it is more reliable. I haven't found that to be 
the case, and it bugs the heck out of me. Sometimes I resort to putting an 
accidental in as an articulation, which burns my buttocks.

Please open a ticket with tech support, so they have proper documentation to 
allow them to fix this. It has been this way for far too long.


On Mon May 14, at MondayMay 14 8:56 PM, Neal Gittleman wrote:

> Greetingsā€¦
> FinMac 2012a.r3, using Speedy Entry
> All of a sudden, when I enter a courtesy accidental via the * key, it 
> disappears as soon as I leave the measure.  Had this problem once before and 
> someone gave me a fix -- something in Preferences, I think.  But whatever it 
> was, I can't find it, and it's annoying to have the program continually 
> suppressing accidentals that I want thereā€¦
> Someone got the solution?
> Thanks!
> Neal Gittleman
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