Don't know if this has ever been discussed. I have a client who uses a lot
of layers in his piano notation. Very useful, of course  (He is using
Encore, and gives me pdfs of the Encore scores to enter into Finale.)  Not
hard, but When he puts the notation in layers, he tends to leave layers
incomplete. For example, he might put a half note (in 4/4) in layer 2 of
the left hand part, and leaver the rest of that layer blank. The top layer
(usually Layer 1) Layer one typically uses all four beats, as it should.
 Meanwhile, layer 2 contains 2 beats..  s.

I have always put rests in places where a layer stops short.  Is this just
compulsive/neurotic of me or is it actually required that we fill out the
rest of the measure with rests?

Is there an actual rule for this?  A general practice that ignores the


Linda Worsley
Finale mailing list

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