On 2012-07-04 22:34, John Blane wrote:
> I can't help thinking that if MM ever had a handle on how
> we worked with Finale, they might have integrated the
 > kinds of plug-ins and innovations we have come to depend
> on Tobias for. They are indispensable, indeed. I would
> not assume that MM could pick up where he left off or
> "maintain" TGTools as is. MM has redesigned the staff
> systems in each of the last 2 versions among other
> improvements/changes. It is no wonder that TGTools
> doesn't work the same in this area without an update from Tobias.

Technically, there's just a change regarding the staves in Fin2011. The 
Fin2012 changes is mainly UI changes.

An idea regarding TGTools (along the lines of MM buing it) would perhaps 
be to see if a Kickstarter account could be set up to buy TGTools to put 
it as open source? Please be aware though, that the Windows version 
might be very dependent on Borland's compilers.

> It seems to me that Jari is our future and is slowly providing
> all of the functionality of TGTools and then some that is
> up-to-date. It may be more beneficial for us to support his
> efforts than to look to MM to fill these needs.

I'm not your future. ;-) I create what I need. A while ago, I decided to 
not be dependent on TGTools, and ideally I don't want to be dependent on 
most of the built-in plug-ins, the Utilities menu or the Layout Tool or 
Special Tools. JW Change is the first plug-in that's fully using this 
However, I'm dependent on Robert Patterson's plug-ins, plug-ins which I 
think are very good!

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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