Thanks to everyone for their suggestions; you have all been most helpful in 
 shaping my next tack.  Actually, upon one of the suggestions I actually  
listened to the MIDI file of my latest revision at the point in question (I 
just  loathe hearing the piano in MIDI so I had been avoiding it, to be 
completely  honest), and, in fact, it was playing the rhythms perfectly.  Our 
composer  simply can't count his own music, which is a different problem, I'm  
afraid.  I had remembered older Finale versions that slaughtered tremolos  
so I chose to avoid listening to it for no good reason, apparently!
I agree completely as a fellow professional pianist (and musician in  
general) that I'm appalled that anyone would rely on MIDI to learn something;  
we're really and truly lost if that's the case.  I forbade my students when  I 
was a university professor from listening to recordings while they were  
learning pieces lest they just come in and parrot these versions back to me, 
and  I remember similar sentiments expressed to me by my own teachers, 
including the  late Marilyn Neeley.  I told her once I had been listening to  a 
certain recording of the Grieg Concerto, and she quickly snapped at  me that 
she didn't need a "Philippe Entremont clone" coming into the  lesson.  If 
only more people thought this way and listened to multiple  recordings AFTER 
learning a piece and not during the formative process...oh  well, that's 
wishful thinking in a YouTube world, isn't it?  
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

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