This is actually two different issues. One is the way the 9 key in Speedy 
breaks at inconvenient times; the other is the way chromatic transposition 
breaks forced appearance of some accidentals, especially if you compare concert 
and transposed versions, as you are doing.

For the first, just don't use the 9 key to flip enharmonics, because when you 
look away, it may flip itself back. Or not, I can never tell. I enter the note 
diatonically and hit + or - to get the alteration (Robert, this might help you, 
as you won't have to use up one of your precious transposition metatools - I 
feel your pain). Also, if you select Favour Sharps or Favour Flats in the 
Enharmonic menu, this method is largely bulletproof, but I find it a pain to 
switch back and forth.

For the second, there is no way that I know of to avoid this, other that using 
expressions (ugh!) or articulations to force the appearance. According to tech 
support, you are supposed to enter the notes you want in transposed pitch; 
anything you do here will stick. If you enter the notes in CONCERT pitch and 
then switch to transposed (when chromatic transposition is enacted) you don't 
know what you're going to get. In linked voiced parts this is particularly 
egregious, because you have no way to make a voiced part different in the part 
or score. Sometimes just entering or exiting the Speedy window causes the state 
of forced accidentals to flip their appearance.

I have complained vociferously about both of these bugs, to no avail. Maybe a 
well-respected engraver such as yourself complaining would help get these fixed?


On Tue Nov 27, at TuesdayNov 27 11:21 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

>> The issue is speedy-9 key. If you use transposition or set the 
>> enharmonic preference before entering the note, there is (sfaik) no 
>> problem.
> so this should have largely disappeared in F2012 because of the score 
> manager, assuming the instruments were set up properly right from the 
> start?
> one thing i notice is after 9-ing the pitch in the PT and toggling 
> between transposed and in C, the enharmonic spelling shows in both 
> cases, while in C in the SC i see the original pitch.  is this 
> behaviour (in the PT when in C) desirable for some reason?  i would 
> think the SC in C spelling should show when showing in C in the PT, 
> no?
> have done a few instances and not noticing anything funky, but 
> expecting it at any minute...
> ah, here we go: on an F instrument ( there is no way to hide a 
> natural (F) in the PT where i have forced the flat to show (Bb) in 
> the SC (following rests; yes i really need them to show)?
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