On 1/19/2013 7:50 AM, dc wrote:
> I'm afraid this question has already been asked, possibly by me!
> How many verses can decently be put under the same music without it
> becoming very hard to read? I'd say three or four at the most, but I'm
> no singer, so I'm not sure even four is not too many.

I agree with Phil Daley that more than 4 becomes hard to read, even 
though some currently published hymnals have up to 6 verses.

But I would also hasten to add that printing any remaining verses on a 
different page can also be problematic -- especially when some foolish 
editor isn't really a musician and will never be performing from his/her 
own edition and they put the extra verses overleaf so it's not even 
possible to see the music anymore.

If you print extra verses separately, please be sure that they are on a 
page facing the original music.

In my opinion and preference.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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