Hi again folks,

I have been a member of this list earlier but I had to leave since my
mailbox grew over it limits all the time. Recently tried the
forum.makemusic.com but to my surprise, noone there knows the answer to my
questions. Strange.

Anyhow, since I left I have been working quite a lot with Finale 2010 and
with great success, actually I have found the answer to my questions in
help files and similar. Some time ago my fine old computer died and had to
be replaced with the one I am writing on now, a young and fresh Win 8
machine with 8 GB RAM. At the same time I took the opportunity to upgrade
to Finale 2012.

But there are some problems. The biggest problem relates to playback. I
have a weird problem that multiple locations of the same score is playing
back simultaneously creating...well you can imagine. The behaviour is
consistent in the sense that it happens also after reboots, i. e. at all
working sessions. It is however inconsistent in that it behaves slightly
different at different sessions (e. g. the problems start at different
points in the score and different other parts are playing back at that
time). What about this?

Two other less severe problems but annoying:

Everytime I start Finale 2012c it complains about files with extension
".asv" and that Photoshop has registered it, and a question on whether I
want to register with Finale instead. Answering "Yes" does not fix the
problem, "No" obviously not either, and the message box comes back at next
start for both choices even if the checkbox "Don't ask me again" is
checked. Also I have of course changed this association via Windows Control
Panel and it is now persistently registered with Finale, yet Finale
stubbornly gives this error message at every start.

The other annoying problem is a complaint when starting playback (yes I
have thought about this being related to the main playback problem above
and I guess this can't be excluded): Finale complains about "Missing VST
Instrument Plug-in: Instruments for Finale Some sound used in this document
are not available on your computer. Would you like Finale to reassign all
instruments in this document to sounds available on your computer? (Your
file will be changed.). I have accepted this offer and saved the supposedly
changed file, but the error message keeps coming back anyway. I have also
gone through the new ScoreManager and can't see anything suspicious there.
What should I look for? Or is this problem not related to the settings in
the Score Manager?

Sorry for a long text, but I hope someone here could help me as opposed to
in the makemusic forum.

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