a "normal" (i.e. buzz) roll on snare is groups of 2 bounces (double 
strokes) per hand (timpani only single stroke rolls).  use the 
standard tremolo sign (in older literature the wavy-line trill symbol 
was used).  if you want 4 per hand you are best to indicate it in 
text (in addition to the tremolo sign).

the Z in new music is often used to indicate as fast as possible, 
i.e. faster than is really "normal" on the instrument, so probably 
best to avoid using it.

>A question for the percussion notation experts out there: what is 
>the best notation symbol for representing a half note to be played 
>with a multiple bounce roll?
>I recall the "Z" symbol to be placed over the half value note's 
>stem, but is this the most commonly used one? I don't want the 
>player to interpret the notation as a normal roll, by alternating 
>left and right, but bouncing four groups of 32nd notes and changing 
>hand at every group.

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