Hi again,

I run Fin 2012c on Win 8.

In earlier versions of Finale there was a staff menu selection "Reset staff
styles to score" or something similar. I. e. when a staff style was set in
the score but for some reason had not get through to the part, then this
option could be used to retrieve the staff style from the score.

In 2012c I can't find this alternative anymore; instead there are some
different options and the closest seem to be "Use selected staff style for
score and parts".

When using this from the part, it works opposite to what the earlier
command did, i. e. it pushes the staff style to the score. It appears to
work as I expect if I do it from the score, then the style is "pushed" to
the part.

But is there any option similar to the earlier function? I. e. when I see a
portion of the part where the staff style isn't matching the score; I would
like to "pull" the score style to the part without having to switch.

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