No problem here about the promotion.  Sounds like a great project.  I wish
I could donate but I cannot.  Good luck!
On May 31, 2014 2:20 PM, "Johannes Gebauer" <>

> Dear All,
> some will remember me from this list, I used to be quite active, but
> these days I am not doing much Finale related work, so I have become
> more a silent member. But I am still here, reading the occasional post.
> I don't usually use this list to advertise myself, but in this special
> case I want to make an exception and draw your attention to a Crowd
> Funding Campaign we are running to record the string quartets of
> Carl Gottlieb Reissiger (1798-1859)
> Reissiger was Kapellmeister in Dresden, where he succeeded Carl Maria
> von Weber in 1826. He is hardly known today, partly because his stage
> works not the greatest, due to rather poor libretti, and partly probably
> because Wagner made some rather biased comments about him. Reissiger
> himself was actually one of Wagner's supporters, it was mostly
> Reissiger's influence which let to Rienzi and the Flying Dutchman being
> premiered in Dresden (Rienzi under Reissigers direction and very
> successful, the Dutchman under Wagner, and originally not a success).
> Reissiger later supported supported Wagner and performed his music even
> after Wagner's flight from Dresden.
> Reissiger wrote 8 (or possibly 9) string quartets, and we are hoping to
> record all of them in the next years. This time we are planning to
> record the first two, op. 111 No 1 and 2. We think the music is phantastic!
> Have a look at the Crowd Funding Site at:
> There is an English text further down. Unfortunately our film is only in
> German - apologies.
> If you think you can spare a few bugs, we welcome every kind of
> donation, and perhaps you will find one of our gifts attractive, too.
> You can use PayPal to donate.
> Apologies if you object to this kind of self-advertisement.
> Best wishes from Berlin,
> Johannes
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