I use Finale's audio output for personal reference and an occasional mockup
for clients.  Finale's internal sounds have suited my purposes for some
time now.  Recently, while updating a short chamber piece, the Garritan
sounds that come with Finale 2011 (Mac) loaded.  I gave them a listen and
was pleasantly surprised at the improvement this made in solo wind and
string sounds.

Today I'm working on a piece for string orchestra.  Hoping for a similar
jump in quality I chose the Garritan option but have been very disappointed
so far.  The sounds are mushy and lack rhythmic definition; great, I
suppose, for a pad, but not what I'm looking for here.

Is this something inherent in the Garritan string section sounds, or are
there settings that will allow for a crisper, rhythmically more accurate
realization?  I changed the reverb type in "Audio Setup" from "Large Hall"
to "none" and I guess there's some difference, but not enough.

Thoughts, suggestions, or setting that are working for you would be greatly
appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Don Hart
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