Preferences>Edit>Respect Instrument Ranges when Copying or Changing Instruments 
(needs to be unchecked).

This is a semi-cool idea, but man have they not worked it out yet. If you copy 
only articulations, say, from one staff to another with music already in it, it 
transposes the music in the target area anyway. Can't imagine a scenario in 
which you'd want that.

David Wolfson

On Aug 5, 2014, at 1:00 PM, <> <> 

> 1.  When copying from one instrument stave to another, 2014 changes
> octaves.  This could be useful in some cases, like simple vocal music,
> but it is impossible to predict, and sometimes I don't notice a change
> until several steps later.  (For example, I'll copy a high passage
> from violin 1 to flute, and the copy is an octave lower.  I'll move it
> back up to the correct octave, change one note, then copy it back to
> vln 1, and IT MOVES IT AN OCTAVE LOWER!!!)   How can I turn this
> "feature" off?

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