"Linked parts", I imagine you know that it only means that the parts are 
contained in the same file as the score. "Voiced" means that 2 flutes can share 
the same score staff, yet each have their own separate linked part, using the 
"voicing rules" you set up in the part definition. Say, flute 1 uses only the 
top note when there are two notes on the same stem or only layer 1 when there 
are two layers. Flute 2 uses the only the bottom note when there are two notes 
on the same stem or only layer 2 when there are two layers.

Using voiced linked parts saves a lot of bother, but there are two huge 
obstacles still, which are cues and grace notes. Cues are a problem when you 
have used the "voicing rules" to include only one layer, but your cues have to 
be in a second layer. There are kludges for this, but it is much easier just to 
have a separate file from the score file with all the linked parts in it (NOT 
voiced, but split to their own staves). Grace notes do not space correctly when 
used on a voiced linked part. This is a bug. Unvoiced linked parts are fine, so 
the same solution (separate parts file) can save you, or just extract the flute 
parts to their own files.


On Sun Dec 28, at SundayDec 28 12:22 PM, Raymond Horton wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Christopher Smith <
> christopher.sm...@videotron.ca> wrote:
>> ​"​
>> voiced linked parts
>> ​"
> ​???​

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