Font Annotations are a list of measurements that show where the top,  
bottom, left, and right limits of a character are. They help with  
kerning (space between text characters) and in Finale they also help  
with figuring out how far something is supposed to be from another  
thing, say slur ends for example. Normally, you don't have to worry  
about them, but if you are using a font that Finale doesn't know  
about, you might have to create a Font Annotation for it. It is  
automatic in recent versions of Finale, but I am away from my Finale  
computer right now, so I don't know exactly where the command to  
create the Font Annotations is.

When you click a note with the Articulation Tool, a window opens up.  
This window contains all the articulations that are presently loaded.  
You can make the window bigger (I certainly have!) to show more of  
them at a glance. If for some reason you don't have the factory set  
of articulations loaded, you can load a library. There are several  
different ones included.

The breath mark is metatool B in my Finale default file. I'm pretty  
sure it came from the factory like that. Hold the B key and click the  
note. You can create more articulations using any character at all in  
any font. The hard part is figuring out the default placement, which  
always requires a bit of trying this and that.


On 12-Jan-15, at 12-Jan-15  11:11 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

> Greetings,
> As a long time user of Finale, I am embarrassed to admit that I  
> don’t know what Font Annotations are.  Please explain!
> How do I get Finale to show me the entire library of  
> articulations?  I want to insert a breath mark into  my score, but  
> can’t find it….help, please.
> Thanks,
> Larry Eden
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