Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:04:30 +0000
From: Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre<>

> Use Word or the like to write your text in the formatting
> you want. Then copy-paste it into an empty text-block.
> Klaus

That sounded like a good idea. Does it work for you with Word?

I don't use Word, being generally anti-Microsoft but unwilling
to switch allegiance to Mac for Finale. I've just tried doing
what you suggest in (Corel) Word Perfect. No problem in WP,
where I quickly made samples of my Copyright notice in Arial
14/10 point, 13/9 point and 12/8 point. I tried copying and
pasting the smallest. No problem with the process, but Finale
immediately changed it all to 12-point. :(

I might not find this quite so infuriating if I hadn't been
able to do it in Finale fifteen years ago the way I want now.
I feel as if I've just spent a lot of money on something that's
not yet fully fit for purpose.

Might my problems (there are others) be incompatibility between
Windows 8.1 and Finale 2014?


Patsy Moore <>

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