On 3/25/2015 10:42 PM, David Woodard wrote:
> I am sure some capable Window's 8.1 guru's could solve that for us, but I
> don't have the bucks to go asking.  After months of loosing files with my
> new 8.1 computer, I can finally find my way back to the same file folders
> by starting to save the desktop more and not have such deep file folder
> systems.  During Spring Break, I hope to back up on my Google Drive and One
> Drive systems that both Google and Microsoft provide for free, as I lost
> lots of musical sweat and toil saved from Windows XP system to Mac system
>   to 8.0 & 8.1 during the last 6 or more years with one drop of my laptop
> down a stairway.  The Great thing I am finding as I recreate exercises that
> I sought to create since 1987 when I started this Journey with Wenger Music
> Writer, is that at long-last, my Finale skills are getting competent to the
> point that I can solve most problems with work-a-rounds instead of quitting
> in frustration for weeks, months or years until desperation drives me back
> to the Software.

First off, nobody should ever lose files to a computer operating system
-- keep your own "Data" and/or "Data - Music" folders with lots of
subfolders under each.  Then it's very simple to back up your own data
without relying on the obscure operating systems backup programs.

But a cheap external hard-drive or two (1 TB external drives can be
bought for well under $100), and then once every couple of days, simply
attach the external hard drive(s) through the USB port and click and
drag your main Data and/or Data - Music folders into a new Backups March
26 2015 (or whatever the current date is) folder on the external hard
drive.  That way you have all your data backed up constantly and by
putting each backup into a new folder labeled with the date of the
backup, you have different versions of all your compositions and any
other sort of data (correspondence, etc.) so if you need to fall back to
an earlier version of a Finale file for whatever reason, it's right
there.  You can even burn your data onto CDs or DVDs if you wish for
more permanent storage.

Using Google or Microsoft's online backup storage is great until the
time you need to retrieve the backup and you're in a location without
internet access -- then you're screwed.

David H. Bailey

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