Hi Robert, Stephen,

Great tip! Thanks.


WEB: http://www.secretsocietymusic.org

On Mar 25, 2015, at 7:14 PM, Stephen Lamb <jstephenl...@jslweb.com> wrote:

> Yes, that's the way I do it. I've also come across instances where, for 
> example, I notated an aleatoric orchestral passage using stemless notes and 
> invisible tuplets, and copying it always broke the tuplets. The thing I found 
> that finally worked was creating staff views of each single staff I needed to 
> copy, and then keeping stack selection checked when copying and pasting.
> Stephen Lamb
> From: Robert Patterson <rob...@robertgpatterson.com>
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Copying independent time signatures
> Date: March 25, 2015 8:49:16 AM CDT
> To: finale <finale@shsu.edu>
> Reply-To: <finale@shsu.edu>
> You can create a staff view of just the independent staff (or staves) and
> then you can do a full stack selection. I just tried this and it seemed to
> work. I don't know if there are caveats.
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 5:20 AM, Darcy James Argue <djar...@icloud.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> If you have a staff that is set to use Independent Time Signatures (via a
>> Staff Style), is there any way to copy those independent time signatures
>> without selecting an full measure stack (as Finale normally requires you to
>> do in order to copy time sigs)?
>> Cheers,
>> - DJA
>> -----
>> WEB: http://www.secretsocietymusic.org
> Y
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