I would second everything Dennis has said.

Finale offers you a zillion separate "verses". I find it helpful to maximum use 
of them, both for different voices AND different sections of the piece.

On rare occasions I'll use the same lyrics "verse" for more than one voice, but 
only if I'm 100% sure they'll be 100% homophonic with not even minor rhythmic 
variation. Otherwise, every lyric syllable in the Edit Lyrics box has only one 

I always use click-assign for my initial lyric entry.  When making touch-ups, 
type-in-score is fine for editing individual syllables.  It's also reliable for 
inserting syllables IF you make sure to first select the previous syllable to 
be sure you're in the right voice/verse and then tab forward to where you want 
to insert.  But you definitely shouldn't use type-in-score to just hop about 
the page adding syllables willy nilly.  That's asking for trouble.

Any time I have non-trivial edits to make to lyrics, I just clear out the whole 
section and do a fresh click-assignment. As long as the verse isn't too long 
(another reason to make generous use of the verses available) it's easy enough 
to do, and much cleaner than doing a bunch of individual edits that might 
bugger up the order in the Edit Lyrics box.


-----Original Message-----
>The best solution is to enter the lyrics for each voice as different 
>verses: soprano=verse 1, alto=verse 2. I enter the text in the Edit 
>lyrics box, and then Click assign. If you make a change in one voice, 
>you're sure it won't affect the others. Also, NEVER use the same lyrics 
>twice, even in the same voice. If a word or a phrase or a whole sentence 
>is repeated, it should be repeated in the text box, and NOT click 
>assigned twice.
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