> Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 20:49:53 +0200
> From: Jan Angerm?ller <j...@angermueller.com>
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Problems Transferring Files to MIDI
> To: <finale@shsu.edu>
> Message-ID: <552c0fd1.8050...@angermueller.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; format=flowe

Jan, thanks so much for your reply. I'm probably not the first or last
Finale user to experience this problem, and hopefully this'll help folks in
the future.

> >in subsequent tempo changes, the tempos were way off.
> What sort of "subsequent tempo changes" were those ?
> Text expression tempo marking, text expression tempo alterations or
> continuous MIDI tempo change data or human playback triggered tempo
> changes  ?

They were text expression tempo markings. The movement began as a 4 4
Allegro Agitato, quarter note = 96, and the tempo changed to 6 8 Lento,
dotted quarter note = 42, both created with the expression tool.

> What sort of "way off" were they ?

The original tempo was spot on. The subsequent dotted quarter = 42 tempo
was way too fast - as if the MIDI didn't recognize the tempo change, and
was still playing quarter notes as 96, so the dotted quarters were 64.

> Did you export all staves in one MIDI file and the MIDI didn't sound
> like the Finale playback ?

I clicked FILE, Save As, and chose the MIDI option from the Format tab. And
yes, beginning with the tempo change, the MIDI sounded much faster than the
Finale playback.

> Or did you create individual MIDI tracks per staff and the individual
> MIDI files don't match each other ?

I_believe it was the former.

> It's difficult to solve the Finale tempo problems without knowing all this.

Understood and again, I really appreciate your help.

> Some ideas to fix it:
> - Don't mix tempo text expressions AND continuous MIDI data
>    I.e. if you are not working with continuous MIDI tempo change data,
>    delete with edit filter all "MIDI Data - Tempo Changes" and work with
> tempo text expressions only

In the Edit Filter Menu, under MIDI Data, the Tempo Changes box wasn't

>    Or: delete all tempo text expressions and work with continuous MIDI
> tempo change data only.
> - Check "Play recorded tempo changes" in "Playback/Record Options"

This was checked

> - Check "Dynamics and markings: Chase from First Measure" in
> "Playback/Record Options"

This was set correctly

> - Make sure that the expression playback layer is not muted in the score
> manager if you use tempo text expressions

Hmmm. Not sure what / where the score manager is (it didn't come up on
search). I never deliberately muted the expression playback, and if it were
muted, I wonder if the initial tempo would have been correct. Not sure.

> - Use a custom human playback custom style with "Rubato" set to 0%,
> "Rhythmic Feel" to 0%,

>    "Interpret Tempo Changes" unchecked, "Interpret Final bars"
> unchecked, "Interpret Fermatas" unchecked.

> - set "Human Playback - MIDI Data - Tempo" to "No HP Effect"

> - Make sure "Humen Playback - Tempo Variations - Randomize Tempo
> Variations" is unchecked

> - if all the human playback stuff is still not enough, turn off human
> playback completely
> Best regards,
> Jan

Thanks again. Will work through these. Again, I'm using 2010 - are all the
instructions you gave for that, or a later version? But I did turn off
human playback, and it didn't seem to affect the sound, so I'll recreate
the MIDI files and send them that way.

> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 15:29:57 -0400
> From: "David H. Bailey" <dhbaile...@comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Problems Transferring Files to MIDI
> To: <finale@shsu.edu>
> Message-ID: <552c1935.6020...@comcast.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed
> Jan has given you some great information and suggestions.
> Another suggestion is to ask your recording engineer whether his
> software can accept MusicXML files (more and more of them can accept
> that) -- perhaps if his software can accept the MusicXML files you will
> get more accurate playback.
> Good luck with it all, and congratulations on the upcoming premiere!
> David H. Bailey
Thanks - will do!

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