Hi, Don,
It's a mystery why sometimes "hide empty measures" leaves some empty stave
showing.  It's always because there is *something* in those measures.  I
assume it is a stray hard whole rest, but it could be something else.  My
orchestra scores are pretty huge, and in the later finale versions, very
cumbersome to deal with.  Score Manager is unstable (I use playback to
check for errors, and sometimes a staff I have set to trumpet might come
out as kazoo or something, requiring me to go into score manager and "fix"
it, even though it looks fine. I can't explain that either.

The hard rests?  Not from importing MIDI (which is one of those "this way
lies madness" things I try to avoid.  I don't really use MIDI unless I'm
writing something that will be recorded and then I generally develop a
"tempo map" in MIDI to use with pro tools.  But even that has gone south in
the newer versions of finale.  It used to be that we could import a MIDI
file (made from Finale) into ProTools and see all the instruments as
graphics and anticipate when to "punch in" or anticipate an entry.  I don't
record synthesized instruments, only live.  But it's nice to be able to see
them represented on the screen in ProTools. But the later versions of
Finale create MIDI files a) without instrument names, 2) out of score order
and b) a slew of extra staves--probably from unused Finale "layers"  It
used to be really simple.  Now it's complicated and it doesn't work.

That, plus a dozen other things about the newer versions are NOT
improvements in my book. I have the same quarrel with a lot of software.
Why do new versions give commands and tools a different name from the last
version (like optimize vs. hide empty measures) and scatter the tools into
unfamiliar menu lists, and why make the graphics of the speedy windows
"sexier" and harder to read? It used to be that added elements were great,
and showed that the Finale folks were listening to the users. But like some
other programs (MS Word comes to mind) it has gotten so complex, even in
fairly simple use, that it's mind boggling.

Again, I'm complaining about something that has changed my life by freeing
me from the pen/pencil and paper thing.  But it's a mystery why the people
who sit around thinking up ways to make the software better (code for being
able to sell a new version when the old one still work, maybe?) think we
want to relearn programs we are used to and love.

End of rant.

BTW I use simple entry, using a menthol I've developed over the years I use
Speedy for some "moves" bu Speedy just never "spoke" to me, though I have
many friends and colleagues who swear by it.

Thanks for listening. Complaints are boring to hear, but sometimes...

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