So, eventually, after tediously trying multiple installs, I finally managed to 
manually locate and remove all Garritan and Plogue files from my computer. I 
had had already tried Library/Application Support, ~/Library/Application 
Support, and ~/Library/Preferences, but it turns out there are also files in 
Library/Audio that need to be removed to get a clean reinstall. (ARIA really 
needs to come with an uninstaller.) 

I also had to remove all sample files.

After that, doing a complete reinstall in the following order worked:

Finale 2014.5 (Garritan Instruments and ARIA player)
ARIA Player v1.872

An absolute nightmare that took untold hours, but at least I’ve got the GPO and 
JABB instruments back.

In future, it would be nice to know if there were a less brute-force method.



From: Darcy James Argue <>
Reply: Darcy James Argue <>
Date: May 4, 2016 at 12:31:07 AM
To: <>
Subject:  Re: Getting JABB and GPO to work in Finale 2014.5 Mac + ARIA  

So after a complete reinstall of JABB (including reverting to Aria 1.091), the 
Aria player *still* only recognizes “Finale Default Bank.” I tried removing all 
Aria and Plogue items from Library/Application Support, ~/Library/Application 
Support and ~/Library/Preferences and reinstalling Arian 1.091 and the only 
thing I’ve succeeded in doing is making it worse — now Aria won’t even 
recognize “Finale Default Bank.” If anyone has any troubleshooting tips I’d be 
most appreciative, as (of course) I am on deadline.



From: Darcy James Argue <>
Reply: Darcy James Argue <>
Date: May 3, 2016 at 5:22:29 PM
To: <>
Subject:  Getting JABB and GPO to work in Finale 2014.5 Mac + ARIA

Hi all,

Can someone explain what the trick is to get the latest version of ARIA Player 
to recognize GPO4 and JABB3?

I’ve followed the instructions here:

The result is that instrument libraries show up as options in Finale 2014.5, 
but the instrument samples don’t load.

I’ve also tried directing ARIA (latest version) to my Applications folder, 
which contains the “Garritan Jazz and Big Band 3” and “Garritan Personal 
Orchestra 4” folders. These libraries then show up as “User” libraries in the 
ARIA player but the samples still don’t load.

Has anyone gotten this to work?


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