I am baffled by a strange behavior in a Finale 2012.  Very specific.

I have a couple of scores I'm working on where this hassuddenly
started happening.  I go to the expression tools (the one with the mf
as an icon) and click on a place in the score where I want to place a
dynamic or expression.  That is, I double click to get the page open
to select the dynamic or whatever I want.  But the minute I double
click, the page, the whole score, disappears... closeslot of code, is
gone.  Then I get a dialog box that doesn't say what I did wrong, but
tjere os am emote;;gob;e box and a line that says  "This report will
automatically be sent to Apple.  And there's a button to reopen the
page.  I save automatically every few minutes, but worse than losing
recent work, it won't let me enter a dynamic or expression.

Other tools, like text and chord, etc. work just fine.  I double click
to put in  text, and it works perfectly.   All the other clickable
work.  Only the expression tool behaves this way.  And it's the same
on all three scores I'm working on. And since it has been working for
several years until yesterday... Yikes.

Anyone experience this behavior?  I'm not sure what to do at this
point.  I have Finale 2014 (which I don't like) and I guess I could
try opening one of the scores in that later version to see if it's a
Mac problem or a finale problem. I suspect the latter.  But I thought
I'd see if anyone else has dealt with this.


Linda Worsley
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