I would so much like to be optimistic about the new version--especially that 
the bugs from 2014 will be fixed! But all of this discussion makes me feel, 
shall we say, somewhat skeptical...

Just for fun, here is a list of bugs I am constantly encountering in 2014.5 for 
Mac (with El Capitan). Please feel free to correct me if I've missed a fix--or 
double the fun, and add the bugs you've discovered to the list!

-Harp parts with glissandi in both hands don't play back correctly in Aria.
-Harmonics play back correctly in some staves but not in others.
-Smart Shape metatools can't be changed.
-Text blocks do not display properly in Page View, except in Column View. (Or 
sometimes Book View.)
-Sometimes Page View just refuses to change pages. Only switching to Scroll 
View gets me to the proper place. This happens (and disappears) unpredictably.
-Contrary to the User Guide, Command-Home and command-End do not work in Page 
-At least when converting older versions to 2014, EPS graphics do not display 
-The Tempo tool no longer allows more than one tempo in a bar! (There are some 
very kludgy workarounds.)
-Playback controls do not work well; in particular, you have to hit either Stop 
or the space bar many times to get playback to stop.

Allen Cohen
Professor of Music, Fairleigh Dickinson University

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