On 11/4/2016 9:29 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:
> You can open your file in Fin 2014, enter the tempo tool changes, and then
> reopen it in Fin25. Fin25 will still play back the tempo tool. The only
> level that was removed appears to have been the U.I.

Which seems really stupid to me -- what other piece of software requires 
the user to keep a previous version installed simply to use one tool 
which actually works in the new version but for which the developers 
decided to eliminate the user interface?

If the functionality is there and if the user interface worked just fine 
in previous versions and they haven't done a "from the ground up total 
rewrite of all the code" upgrade, there's no reason not continue to 
allow the user access through the same user interface which has worked 
for many versions.

And they're probably scratching their heads wondering why so few people 
are upgrading to Finale25 . . .

David H. Bailey
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