On 11/28/2016 2:43 PM, Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:
> jef -
> Phenomenal response.  Thank you greatly.
> And FWIW, I’m right there on that knife-edge with you, and will also probably 
> snag the “upgrade” today.
> I hate to reward the beast by feeding it when it’s done nothing to deserve 
> sustenance, but – yeah.   As you wrote.

Nobody (except for MakeMusic or whatever the company is currently 
called) has said that this is an upgrade that people should buy.

If I had upgraded for the initial "deal" of $149 I would be very very 
angry with them for making this $99 offer.

I did not fall for it back when it was first announced, and I'm not 
going to fall for it this time around either.

I fear I will not be buying another Finale upgrade for quite a while, if 

I start all my new projects in Sibelius and it's been years since 
anybody has contacted me about continuing to work on Finale files, so 
I'll simply stick with 14.5 and see if I ever feel the urge to upgrade 
to a newer version of Finale.

And while all along I've bought every single upgrade, often more to show 
my continued support for Finale than because I needed something special 
that was in a new upgrade, I'm tired of paying for supposed bug-fixes 
which should be free in updates, and which in reality have not been as 
plentiful (at least for my normal workflow and projects) as the 
publicity claims.

There has been nothing new in Finale that would make me buy an upgrade 
since they introduced linked score/parts and possibly one or two 
upgrades after that where they supposedly got the linked score/parts to 
work better.  Nowadays it's just feeding the cash cow instead of getting 
real value for the money spent and I frankly can't afford that any more.

So I'm out on this upgrade, even for $99.  And possibly out for all the 
future ones as well.

David H. Bailey
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