make sure the time sig staff is set up to not be hidable

if your top staff changes (sometimes piccolo, sometimes fl, etc.) you 
can apply a staff style to score only.

>I am writing an orchestral score, using big time signatures. So, 
>following instructions on doing this, I have to set, in the staff 
>attributes, to display time signatures only for the first instrument 
>in each family (so, for winds, only piccolo; brass, only horn 1/2, 
>etc.). But when I hide empty staves, the time sigs go away also!
>Can Finale be forced to show time signature, at least, for whatever 
>is the top instrument in the score? I tried overriding with the 
>measure tool (always show), but that doesn't bring up the time 
>signature. For you users of big signatures, how do you handle this?


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