With the Staff Tool, select ALL (cmd-A on mac, ctrl-A on PC) before you select 
Show Staff Styles in Score And Parts. That command only applies to the 

You should also complain bitterly to MakeMusic about this. This bug has been 
there ever since linked parts have been there, which is TEN YEARS now!


> On Tue May 30, at TuesdayMay 30 3:39 PM, David Wolfson 
> <da...@davidwolfsonmusic.net> wrote:
> I am applying staff styles (Slash notation, Rhythm notation) to certain parts 
> in the score. When I go to the parts, those staff styles are not always 
> there. It seems to make no difference whether I select “Show Staff Styles in 
> Score and Parts” in the contextual menu for a given staff style or not; I 
> have to re-enter the staff style in the part to get it to stick. This is 
> maddening. Anyone have any insights?
> David Wolfson
> davidwolfsonmusic.net
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