
The help files are within the Finale application, in the menu bar.  (I am on 
FinaleMac 2K11) 


> On Aug 5, 2017, at 9:59 AM, Michael Edwards <mjedwa...@foxall.com.au> wrote:
>      Thanks for that, Lawrence and David.
>      Lawrence, would you mind please giving me a link for the help file 
> section you mentioned?  I tried looking around on the Finale site, but 
> might have been looking in the wrong area or possibly even the wrong 
> site.
>      David, I'll make a note of those books and see if I can find them.
>      I will be glad if I am able to get answers here.  But my purpose 
> in wanting a manual was twofold: I would have something to refer to when 
> I'm not on the Internet and able to post here; and also I do expect to 
> have dozens and dozens of probably quite elementary questions, and it 
> would save a lot of posting of fiddly little questions here (which have 
> probably been posted dozens of times before) if I was able to find out 
> at least the more basic things on my own.
> Michael Edwards.
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