Makes sense.  It seems to me you'd also be able to change the tempo marking 
font size in the linked parts score; I change several global settings in the 
version of the score I extract parts from that I want to apply to all parts and 
not to the score.

With two separate copies of the score, though, I don't see the advantage of 
linked parts over extracted parts, other than fewer files.  How does this save 
time and effort?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Aaron Sherber
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Finale Linked Parts: what's missing?

​My solution for many of these things​ (and I think many others have the
same workflow) is to have one file for the score and one file for the
(linked) parts. This is not as good as one file for everything, but it's
better than a bunch of separate files for extracted parts.

Given this workflow, in your parts file you could explode your wind parts
so that everything is one part per staff, and then cues are easier. Your #2
and #3 are also easy to accomplish this way.

This also takes care of other things that are not currently unlinkable in
Finale. (At least, they weren't in Fin2011; I haven't really dived into
Fin25 yet.) For example, I like to use a bigger font for tempo markings and
rehearsal numbers in my score than I do in parts.


On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Lee Actor <> wrote:

> I'm not a regular user of linked parts -- yes, I still make a copy of the
> score and extract from there -- but I did make a reasonable effort several
> years ago to incorporate them into my normal work flow.  I gave up after a
> month or so due to encountering too many situations that required special
> workarounds, and decided linked parts were costing me more time than they
> were saving.
> So given my admittedly limited knowledge, here are some items that I found
> to be more trouble in linked parts than it's worth:
> 1) Cues are a mess, esp. in orchestral scores with 2 wind parts on a staff.
> 2) Can't have different music spacing in score and parts.  I like my parts
> closer spaced than the score.
> 3) Can't have different clefs in score and part (e.g., a high bassoon 1
> part
> might mean tenor clef for bassoon 2 in the score, but should be bass clef
> in
> the part).
> 4) Grace note spacing.
> I encountered other issues which can be fairly attributed to pilot error,
> and some of the above problems may have already been addressed.  I'm ready
> to embrace linked parts, as soon as the pain of special cases and
> workarounds is exceeded by the benefits.  Obviously this is a subjective
> judgement.
> -Lee
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of
> Robert Patterson
> Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 6:32 AM
> To: finale
> Subject: [Finale] Finale Linked Parts: what's missing?
> I am starting a new thread because my comments seem to be buried in the
> recent Dorico thread. I would like to poll this list about what features
> are missing from Linked Parts. I am doing so with an eye towards a possible
> plugin to address what can be addressed.
> Things that cannot be addressed by a plugin are
> * allowing special tools in voiced parts
> * unlinking items that Finale currently can't unlink manually
> The kinds of things that are likely to be addressable are in the area of
> page layout. In fact I already have a plugin that can copy a page layout
> from one part to another. And Jari has made one that copies everything down
> to the note spacing. But maybe there are things we've missed or U.I.
> issues.
> What prompts this request is the discussion of Dorico "layouts" which seem
> very similar to linked parts in Finale. I'm curious if there is
> functionality there that a plugin could bring to Finale.
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