Hi, folks. Running Finale 2010 on a 2011 MacBook Pro OSX 10.8.5.

Did one little thing a few days ago that's caused no end of trouble. I
moved an expression (tempo) marking from the middle of a score to the
front. Ever since then, I've been experiencing strange problems with the
expression tool and playback.

For one thing, the first eighth of a beat of every measure doesn't sound.
Music that I wrote before that plays correctly, but if I try to input new
music into an existing file, the minute I change the tempo assignment, the
same problem recurs.

I can compensate by adding an extra blank measure at the beginning of each
piece, but then I have to delete it to print, and it's really annoying.

Also, the expression tool itself started malfunctioning. In some new files,
changing tempo markings has no effect on tempo - I can set q=63, 72, 112
and it makes no difference.

I've shut down and restarted the program, rebooted the computer, and
nothing helps.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Any ideas on how to fix it?

I'm assuming that uninstalling and reinstalling the program will restore
original settings, but I'd be extremely grateful for any other advice or

Many thanks in advance and best regards,

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