Hi Steve,

Thanks! The problem actually turned out to be a perfect storm of user error:

1) I was not aware that Unicode fonts, like Aruvarb, must NOT be added to 
MacSymbolFonts.txt or they will not display correctly.

2) I had Aruvarb included in the MacSymbolFonts.txt file in my MacHD/Library… 
folder, and since the font was working for me, I concluded that this meant the 
font SHOULD be included in MacSymbolFonts.txt.

3) But as it turns out, the MacSymbolFonts.txt I was looking at was actually 
being overriden by the MacSymbolFonts.txt in my user Library… folder — and in 
that version, Aruvarb was NOT included in the file.

As a result of the above, I gave the incorrect instructions to my collaborator 
that the font needed to be included in MacSymbolFonts.txt, when in fact the 
opposite was true. My bad!



> On 11 Aug 2018, at 10:42 PM, Fiskum, Steve <fisk...@jspaluch.com> wrote:
> Hello Darcy,
> This sound very familiar. Make sure both of you have the same setup...
> 1. Preference>Open - "Clean Up File Data" UnChecked
> 2. Preference>Open - "Text Conversion" Everything unchecked.
> 3. Preference>Edit - "Substitute Font for Missing Unicode Characters" UnCheck.
> These three things are the biggest problem with collaboration. If it doesn't 
> help, let me know. I'm pretty good with resolving these conflicts.
> Good luck,
> Steve Fiskum
> ________________________________________
> From: Finale <finale-boun...@shsu.edu> on behalf of Darcy James Argue 
> <djar...@icloud.com>
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2018 3:03 PM
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: [Finale] Glyph issues with Aruvarb
> Hello list,
> Am I right that that there are others on this list who are using Aruvarb (Jan 
> Angermüller’s adaptation of Bravura for Finale) as their music font?
> If so, could I ask about a strange problem I have encountered?
> I’m sharing files using Aruvarb with a collaborator. I’m using the most 
> recent OTF version of Aruvarb — this version of the font is billed as 
> Windows-only — it is missing the characters in slots 129-159 in macOS — but 
> other than that it works for my purposes, as those characters are duplicated 
> in other slots.
> My collaborator has installed the same version of Aruvarb on his iMac, but 
> when he opens my Finale files, most of the glyphs show up as a boxed “?”. We 
> are both running Finale v25.5 on macOS.
> Curiously, the glyphs do display correctly on his laptop, but not on his 
> iMac. The glyphs also show up correctly in Finale 2014.5 on both machines.
> We have tried:
> - adding Aruvarb to the MacSymbolFonts.txt file
> - removing the OTF version of Aruvarb and installing the TTF version
> - clearing the macOS font cache from the Terminal, then restarting the iMac
> - reinstalling Finale
> We have also tried removing this version and installing the older, deprecated 
> version of Aruvarb available from the elbsound site, which is supposed to be 
> fully macOS compatible. When we do, we have the opposite problem — most 
> glyphs show up correctly for my collaborator, but on my MacBook Pro, many 
> symbols are mapped incorrectly. For instance, on my system, glyph #250, which 
> is supposed to be the half note glyph, is a parenthesized downbow-upbow pair.
> I vaguely recall having this problem when I first installed Aruvarb, but for 
> the life of me I cannot recall what I did to fix it. It’s also very 
> mysterious that the glyphs display correctly on my collaborator’s laptop but 
> not his iMac — both are running the same OS (macOS 10.12.6) and the same 
> version of Finale.
> Any assistance or insight would be greatly appreciated!
> Cheers,
> — DJA
> -----
> http://secretsocietymusic.org
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