Hi Christopher,

No mm rest. I think it’s a new big.   



 Chuck Israels
  cisra...@comcast.net (mailto:cisra...@comcast.net)
  (360) 201-3434 (tel:(360)%20201-3434)
 8831 SE 12th Ave.
 Portland OR 97202

> On Oct 13, 2018 at 12:48 PM,  <Christopher Smith 
> (mailto:christopher.sm...@videotron.ca)>  wrote:
>  Hi Chuck,
> Is there a multimeasure rest inside the ending? A bug that has been present 
> for quite a while is lack of access to ending brackets whenever there is a 
> multimeasure rest in the ending. If not, then this is new.
> I don’t have Fin 26 yet. I’m in the middle of a project, and know better than 
> to try to upgrade in the middle.
> Christopher
> >  On Oct 13, 2018, at 1:25 PM, Chuck Israels  <cisra...@comcast.net>  wrote:
> >   
> >  Hi All,
> >   
> >  Please confirm: try to lasso repeat ending brackets and text in a part in 
> > order to nudge them up or down. My experience — nudged once and then lost 
> > its grip. Lassoed again — same thing. Once more and it wouldn’t highlight 
> > the handles at all.
> >   
> >  This is an annoyance, but more importantly, I was suckered in to an 
> > expensive upgrade for little benefit.
> >   
> >  Chuck
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