Resending this - never saw it or replies (if any). I apologize if this is



Can someone please point me to a resource to explain how Garritan works with
Aria, and how best to utilize them? I've used playback for a spell-check
function for years, and endured less than optimal sound, even though I have
the Garritan Jazz library.


Making changes in Score Manager and VST banks is confusing. For example,
changing Trumpet Plr 1 to Trumpet KS in VST Banks doesn't seem to affect
Score Manager.


When I want to assign sounds, where should I start - score manager or VST
Banks & Effects? Should I ever reassign sounds from the MIDI menu? Is there
a way to universally change libraries, say from Garritan JABB3 to Garritan
Instruments for Finale? 


Lastly, is there a way to change score order in Score Manager-Instrument


Many thanks for any help!



Richmond VA

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