The Ithaca College Distinguished Speaker in the Humanities
Lecture Series in the School of Humanities and Sciences
Presents Professor Peter Singer
"The Ethics of What We Eat"
December 6, 2007
8:00 PM
Emerson Suites
Book signing to follow lecture

Professor Peter Singer is the Ira W. DeCamp
Professor of Bioethics University Center for Human Values
Princeton University

We routinely pick up neatly packaged cuts of meat,
cartons of milk, eggs, and other goods at the
grocery store, giving little thought to how
they are produced. But nothing has a bigger
impact on our planet, nor on the lives of billions
of sentient beings, than the way we produce our

Food is an ethical issue, and Peter Singer
will reveal the range of ethical issues that lie
behind our food choices.

What lies behind labels such as "organic,"
"fair trade" and "certified  humane"? Is there
such a thing as "humane meat"?  Is fish better?
And what about buying locally?

The lecture offers a moral framework from which to
decide these difficult questions, and shows how our
food choices can make a difference.

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The Distinguished Speaker in the Humanities Lecture Series in the
School of Humanities and Sciences
Presents Professor Peter Singer
"The Ethics of What We Eat"
December 6, 2007
8:00 PM
Emerson Suites
Book signing to follow lecture

Professor Peter Singer is the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics
University Center for Human Values
Princeton University

We routinely pick up neatly packaged cuts of meat, cartons of milk, eggs, and other goods at the grocery store, giving little thought to how they are produced.   But nothing has a bigger impact on our planet, nor on the lives of billions of sentient beings, than the way we produce our food.  Food is an ethical issue, and Peter Singer will reveal the range of ethical issues that lie behind our food choices.    What lies behind labels such as "organic," "fair trade" and "certified humane"?    Is there such a thing as "humane meat"?  Is fish better?  And what about buying locally?    The lecture offers a moral framework from which to decide these difficult questions, and shows how our food choices can make a difference.
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