Dear Experts,

I have installed and started to work with fink on MacOSX (Version
10.1.2) about one week ago and I am
quite satisfied with it's performance. So, congratulations to all
who are contributing to the fink project.

However, I think there are some drawbacks which may people (non
developpers) prevent from using fink on a daily basis.

I am missing some key applications of X11-systems like ghostview.
Yesterday, I have tried desperately to install ghostview from
websites (Even the official one was among them). I didn't succed to
compile the ghostview application. It failed with a hell of error
messages. Are there packages of ghostview available for fink. I know
ghostview is available for MaC (OS9 ?) but when you run fink in full
screen mode it is quite annoying to always switch between the
two systems.

During the compilation procedure I also notice that some standard
files like 'stdio.h, time.h etc.' are missing although I have also
installed  all developers packages (For compilation I have created
some of these
files with 0 length, a little bit bizarre). Is this somehow already
included into the cc-compiler available for fink or how do
developers get access to these
standard include files ? Also an implementation of latex would
be highly welcome. I do not think that I have the capabilities
to port the mentioned packages myself to fink, small changes I could
do, nevertheless. If there is somebody out there who can give
me a clear answer to my questions I would be very grateful. Even
the answer that it is not possible or not foreseen to port the
mentioned packages would help. This would refrain me from trying
and searching.

Thanks in advance,


  |  Roman Pöschl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])            |
  |  LAL Groupe H1 BP 34                            |
  |  Université Paris XI                            |
  |  F-91898 Orsay Cedex                            |
  |  Tel.: ++33-164-468-954                         |
  |  Fax.: ++33-164-468-546                         |
  |  Bâtiment 208, 114                              |
  |                                                 |
  |  In HH: Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron(DESY)   |
  |         Raum 1b,Nr.604                          |
  |         Tel.: ++49-40-8998-2636                 |
  |         Fax.: ++49-40-8998-4385                 |
  |                                                 |

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