On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Erik Price wrote:

> On Sunday, March 17, 2002, at 03:53  PM, Tony Previte wrote:
> > I already had a MySQL user on my machine, of course the password
> > package installed one into NetInfo over my existing one, and now
> > I can't get MySQL to start out of usr/local/.
> >
> > Should I just get rid of the mysql user, and install my MySQL
> > package again, with a fresh mysql user or is there another way
> > to go about it?
> This may not be the best solution, but here's what I'd do
> (honestly) -- recompile MySQL and use the Fink-created user.

Yikes, that's desperate. It's easier by far to just go into NetInfo
(either from the command line or via NetInfo Manager) and just restore
your settings there. Granted, this would have been easier if the earlier
settings had been noted beforehand, but still this isn't bad. 

Likewise, isn't there a /etc/mysql.conf or /usr/local/mysql/mysql.conf [is
it obvious that I'm grasping here? :] that can be edited so that you can
just use the newly created/edited/mangled mysql user? 

If all that fails, then yeah go ahead & rebuild from scratch, but I would
hope that you have other options before taking that particular plunge.  

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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