On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Mark Wall wrote:

> My hard disk is nearing capacity with useful X-apps I have Fink-ed.
> Now I need some of that space back, so I want to clean up the disk.
> How can I trim the Fink fat without interfering with function or install
> records?
> e.g. >rm -f /sw/src/*

Yes, this is generally safe, though not a first choice most of the time.
Usually you don't need this stuff again, unless you want to rebuild or
reconfigure something. Still, if you *do* need it, you'll have to get a
fresh download, and that can be a pain. If possible, it's good to burn
this stuff to a CD or something before deleting from the hard drive.

Also, your /sw/fink/debs dir is full of symlinks to other big files under
These can also be removed if you're *really* desperate, but you're much
more likely to need these files over time, so only tamper with great care
and if you do you didn't hear about it from me :)

> Are there more dusty corners I can sweep?

Have you purged your system of extraneous localization directories? Most
people only need one or two languages, and can go through removing all the
directories like /Foo/Bar/resouces/Blat/Japanese.lproj/*. Getting rid of
all this can maybe save dozens to hundreds of megabytes, depending on what
you have on your system, and it's relatively safe to do.

Similarly, you have /Library/Documentation & /Developer/Documentation,
both of which might have stuff you could do without (if only because it
should be possible to get at that material from the CDs, and you can put
it back if you need it later).

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."    -- mnftiu.cc

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