On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Joel L. Breazeale wrote:

> I was doing 'fink selfupdate' then one day I tried 'fink selfupdate-cvs'
> based upon a recommendation.  All this has worked fine up to now.  When
> I do 'fink selfupdate-cvs' or 'fink selfupdate' I the typical massive
> output then the following error:

I saw no obvious error in the material that you posted. Let's try logging
your command to a file so that you can examine it, upload it, etc:

  % sudo fink selfupdate-cvs |& tee ~/fink-update_2002.04.18

This will send the results & the errors to the file fink-update_2002.04.18
in your home directory. This can in turn be searched for problems.

One common error is for a file that CVS is trying to update to have been
manually edited in some way. In this case, it's typical to see an error
message like

   can't update foo.bar.blat.1.2-3.info: it is in the way

or something like that. In such cases, you can delete or rename the file
identified by the CVS output and re-run CVS, and things should go
smoothly. In any case, no matter what the error was, the strategy for
fixing it is usually the same -- find a file with anomalous output from
the CVS report, move or delete it, then try CVS again to see if it helped.

In desperation, you can also try moving directories as, say:

  % cd /sw/fink/dists
  % mv stable stable-moved
  % mv unstable unstable-moved
  % sudo fink selfupdate-cvs

This should rebuild clean new stable/ and unstable/ trees for you, but I'd
only do it if things just aren't working otherwise. This could cause more
harm than good (I think, I'm not sure... :/ ). Don't do this unless less
risky methods end up not helping. If you have to, save the update log to
your iTools account or something, and send us the URL so that we can help
look it over. Maybe somethign will jump out...

> [Here's a potentially complicating factor.  I also went and ran
> 'fink update fink'.  Perhaps it was a big no-no.  Anyway, when I
> do 'fink --version' I get the following:
>    [msp-65-29-22-81:/sw/fink] root# fink --version
>    Package manager version: 0.9.11
>    Distribution version: <<<<<<< VERSION
>    0.3.2a
>    =======
>    0.4.0.cvs
>    >>>>>>> 1.3
>    [msp-65-29-22-81:/sw/fink] root#
> Can anyone comment on what fink --version is saying?]

Well that's just weird. That looks like raw output from the .info file
that describes Fink, but I can't imagine why it would be presented to you
like this. Somethign could be very broken there...

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."    -- mnftiu.cc

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