On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, get86 wrote:

> Let me be more clear. I had the latest dev tools the whole time (I am an
> ADC "paid" member :).

Ok, ok. You asked about common problems, I gave the first two biggies that
come to mind. That's all :)

> I was hoping to find out (from you) if the XFree86 download available on
> Apple's site: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/unix_apps_utilities/
> is that the "bad (messes up 'make'") Xdarwin ?

Don't ask me, ask the list. I don't think so, but others may know. I don't
know anything about the Xfree package that Apple provides/links-to/etc.

> or was i OK the whole time?

Probably. Try it & see! :)

> On 4/18/02 1:23 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent me this signal:
> > On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> on 4/18/02 11:09 AM, Chris Devers, typed:
> >>
> >>> On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>> More to the point, just make sure that the computer has the latest
> >>> version of the developer's tools kit from Apple (last major update
> >>> was Dec 2001),
> >>
> >> It that what's on Apple's site?
> >
> > Yes, get a free developer's account from http://connect.apple.com (if I
> > remember right), then find & download the most recent Developer's Tools,
> > which had a major version from Dec 2001 and a couple of patches (I don't
> > think these are relevant to Fink) from arond February and March.
> >
> > Depending on how & when OSX was purchased (separately or with a new
> > computer, when the purchase was made, etc) there might or might not be a
> > Devtools disc included, but for most users that have this, the disc is out
> > of date & slightly incompatible with the Dec 2001 release. Basically, all
> > users need to get the download. Its huge -- over 200 mb -- but easy to
> > install once you have it, and Fink is easy to use once it's in place.

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."    -- mnftiu.cc

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