> On 04/18/02 11:58 PM, "Mike Holley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I installed Enlightenment on my computer, using GNU-Darwin stuff, but it
> didn't turn out right, and I didn't like what did work. I have noticed a
> lot of talk about Gnome and Sawfish. I decided I will try that instead
> of Enlightenment, but I have no idea what I need to download, using
> fink, to get that Gnome and Sawfish on my comp. Is there a nicely wraped
> package with both, or do I have to download a ton of stuff? I would love
> to get a good Window Manger running so I can test Gimp out. Thanks.

  % sudo fink install sawfish bundle-gnome gimp

This will grab all three, plus anything they in turn depend on. Depending
on what that entails, building everything could take a while, and if
you've installed GnuDarwin stuff, there could be some conflicts arising
from that. It might be worth logging the build process so that you can
examine it later -- and send things to the list -- if anything goes wrong:

  % sudo fink install sawfish bundle-gnome gimp |&
    tee ~/log_fink-gnome-sawfish-gimp.txt

That |& pipes the output & the errors to the 'tee' command, which will
record a log to a filename I made up. Use whatever makes sense for you.

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Chia Hung wrote:

> Please correct me if I am wrong, anyone, but I thought that
> Enlightenment is one of the Window Managers that runs with
> GNOME. Don't you need GNOME to get Enlightenment working?

Nah, they're separate components. Enlightenment is one of several window
managers that can sit on top of X11, as well as one of a smaller number of
managers that Gnome can work optimally with (also including Sawfish and
some others). Gnome has to have a window manager running with it ("under
it"? kinda, not really, but good enough), but you have several to chooose
from, including Enlightenment and Sawfish. On the other hand, you can use
Enlightenment without Gnome just fine -- for that matter you can use any
window manager without also running Gnome.

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."    -- mnftiu.cc

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