Tom Nugent Jr  wrote:

> Here's a newbie question for you: I'm looking at a graphics package, 
> in particular NetPBM.  I'm wondering what the difference is between 
> netpbm, netpbm-bin, and netpbm-shlibs?  I see that a similar set of 
> packages exists, for example, for libtiff (and most other lib*) too. 
> Which one would I choose for installation (or do I need all 3)?

Many of the lib* packages are things you do not install yourself, but
rather, they get installed automatically because packages you install
"depend" on them.

If you need to install it yourself, though, a general rule of thumb is that
"foo-bin" would contain the binary files (the ones you as a user are likely
to run directly).  So I would install netpbm-bin in your case.  If there is
no "foo-bin" then installing "foo" is probably the way to go.  The
"foo-shlibs" packages will get installed automatically when they are needed.

This -bin/-shlibs business is a relatively recent thing in fink, and
eventually the documentation will catch up with current developments!

  -- Dave

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