Mike Holley wrote:

> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

Completely harmless. If it annoys you, put "unsetenv LANG" somewhere in
your shell startup scripts.
> As well is Gnome suppose to be a bit slugish? Almost like I am running
> an emulator?

Two points: Yes, XFree86 on Mac OSX is very slow compared with Linux on
the same machine. Second, have a look (with 'top' and 'ps auxww') if
there isn't a process eating a lot of CPU time and not doing anything
useful. Sometimes if you start and stop gnome several times, you are
left with sawfish or enlightenment processes that don't want to quit and
make your system crawl.

> Also, how do I get a file called ".Xauthority" It can't seem to find it
> when xwindows starts.

You can make one as follows: You have to have X11 running. Then say
"xauth generate :0 ." (don't forget the dot at the end!)


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