I'm using g++ which is a symlink to c++:

Reading specs from /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/2.95.2/specs
Apple Computer, Inc. version gcc-932.1, based on gcc version 2.95.2 
19991024 (release)

Your suggestion worked (I really should learn more about compiler 
flags), yet this remains:

ventana.h:6: stream.h: No such file or directory

I did locate string.h and it didn't find it, so it seems that it is 
genuinely missing. It did find a few similar things:


I always thought that the standard c/c++ headers were kept in 
/usr/include, but it seems that a compiler can have its own 
versions (??), so following this tenuous line of reasoning, I may have 
to get hold of the real GNU compiler to be able to use string.h and 
compile this thing?

Thanks for your help!


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