
i'm trying to use the generic mapping tools (GMT) on my ibook with os x 10.2.2 installed. i did a fresh install of fink using the bootstrap method on the web, and fink has successfully installed numerous programs like gnumeric and gimp as well as xfree86.

however, i am having big problems running gnuplot and GMT. whenever i try to use any tools in GMT (after a successful fink install), i get the message

dyld: grdcontour can't open library: /sw/lib/libgmt.dylib (no such file or directory, errno = 2).

indeed, for some reason i do not have the libgmt.dylib file, although i do have the file libgmt.a and libgmt_mgg.a.

when i try to fink update gmt i get the message

pkg gmt version 3.4.2-3
no packages to install

any ideas


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